Online Rest Consultations
Exhausted & feel like you have no time? Longing to create more energy, productivity & positive change?
A rest consultation is for you.
What to expect in an online rest consultation:
In this 60-minute session we talk about your schedule, lifestyle, habits and goals and make small easy tweaks to create better routines that support you to be your most vital self. You will also be provided with tools that are designed to fit in with what you already do, so they work for you without effort.
60 minute Online Session | $75
How can a rest consultation work for you?
My client James is a business owner who had a schedule entirely geared to his work across multiple time-zones, up until the minute he went to sleep. On average, he was getting 4-6 hours of low quality sleep, no “off-time”, and was starting to feel the effects of early stage burn out
In his rest consultation we identified 3 simple changes that significantly increased his ability to relax, rest and spend down-time with his family.
1st - We tweaked what James did in the 30 minute window before going to sleep
This included no work-related activities, especially in bed: for James, that meant no work-related audiobooks or podcasts. Often James identified that while he found them interesting, it meant he couldn’t sleep because of the many ideas it produced. He moved this time to the morning while at the gym & drive to work to great effect, energising and inspiring him for the day ahead.
2nd - We created a hard boundary around dinner time at home
For James, this meant the work laptop and phone either stayed in the office or were turned off during this time. This permission to switch off from work and create boundaried time allowed him to engage with his family and relax. This also flowed on to his (now) phone-free nightly walk with his wife.
3rd - James started practicing deep reset breaths throughout the day
This simple grounding activity meant that James was able to reset himself and stay calm and focused during the busiest and most demanding parts of his day.
James’ follow-up:
James reported that the simple changes we made to his pre-bed routine gave him a much better quality sleep and felt more energised during the day. He also fell asleep a little earlier due to the lack of stimulating business content before bed!
His boundaries around his phone and laptop in the evenings gave him a sense of relief from having to be “on” all the time - he even began to leave his laptop in the office to create a restful boundary around home time. He noted this had a great flow-on effect to his feeling of connectedness to his wife and kids.
Lastly, using his regular deep breath reset helped him to handle stress and conflict in a calm way and helped him feel less ‘wired’ and frazzled.